Wicker Park/Nelson Algren Walking Tour
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Noon-1:30 p.m.
Polish Triangle
Intersection of Milwaukee, Ashland, and Division
Chicago, IL

The author of Chicago: City on the Make and The Man with the Golden Arm spent much of his life near the Polish Triangle, and both he and his characters bopped about the Wicker Park and Bucktown neighborhoods for many decades. On this walking tour, we’ll visit the places that figured prominently in Algren’s life and work, and investigate settings related to his fiction and fictional characters. Guide Salli Berg Seeley will also touch upon other literary associations in the area, including the Russian Baths featured in Saul Bellow’s Humboldt's Gift, connections to the Haymarket Event, a brief history of Charles G. Wicker, information about Chopin Theater and Young Chicago authors, and more.
Maximum Registration: 10
Cost: $20 per person
For more information, call (773.414.2603) Don Evans.
Groups (8 or more walking tour: 40 or more bus tour) can arrange a date and time for any of the available tours.