Oak Park Literary Walking Tour
Sunday, May 5, 2019
2:30-4:30 p.m.
Meet at the Edgar Rice Burroughs House #2, 700 N. Linden Ave.
End: Jane Hamilton Girlhood Home, 226 S. Scoville Ave.

Oak Park, a sleepy conservative village when Ernest Hemingway was a child, has evolved in the last century to become a bedrock of liberal thought. This tour explores Oak Park's significance in literature for more than a century, and hits upon historical writers like Hemingway, Edgar Rice Burroughs, and Vincent Starrett, as well as current stars such as Elizabeth Berg, Alex Kotlowitz, and Chris Ware. Jane Hamilton, who appears later that evening at our Great Chicago Books Club, will join the tour to tell us the story of her early years in Oak Park.
Maximum registration: 10
$20 per person.
For more information, call (773.414.2603) or email Don Evans. To register, go to the Eventbrite page.
Groups (8 or more walking tour: 40 or more bus tour) can arrange a date and time for any of the available tours.