It Happened in Chicago: A Workshop for Chicago Writers and Readers
Every Tuesdays, between March 18 and April 22
7-9 p.m.
via Zoom

Registration just opened for a creative writing workshop will focus on stories set in Chicago. Students will create and develop their own manuscripts at the same time they explore the greatest Chicago literature. In the first third of each workshop, we'll discuss a published story, with an emphasis on craft features. In the second two parts of the workshop, we'll discuss workshop stories-in-progress (novel excerpts are okay, too). In discussing the relationship between setting and story, we will closely consider the authorial choices that go into making a well-known and documented place distinct. Ultimately, the goal is to make Chicago an integral part of the story rather than mere backdrop. Instructor Donald G. Evans is the author of a novel set in Chicago, many Chicago-set short stories, and the editor of Chicago baseball and poetry anthologies. He is the Founding Executive Director of the Chicago Literary Hall of Fame. Cost for the six-week workshop is $300. You can register through Eventbrite, or email Don Evans to secure your place. Enrollment is limited to 10.