Chicago’s Black Literary Renaissance Bus Tour
Saturday, May 4, 2019
10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Kenwood United Church of Christ
(across from Brooks Park and Gwendolyn Brooks statue)
4600-08 S. Greenwood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60653
Bus will load and unload here.

Part of the larger Chicago Black Renaissance, the literary movement started in the 1930s and continued to foster important African-America authors through the 1950s. On this bus tour, we’ll visit some of the foundational cultural institutions of the movement (George Cleveland Hall Branch of the Chicago Public Library, South Side Community Art Center, The Chicago Defender) as well as the homes of iconic authors (Richard Wright, Gwendolyn Brooks, Lorraine Hansberry). Along the way, we’ll explore how these and other authors used their personal experiences and observations of the city to create literature that explored the devastating effects of prejudice during the Jim Crow era and up to the Civil Rights movement. Registration is $40 and limited to 50 people. You can reserve seats for the tour through Eventbrite.