Chicago Literary Hall of Fame Year-End Fundraiser Party
Saturday, December 2, 2023
1:30-3:30 p.m.
Beat Kitchen in Roscoe Village
2100 West Belmont Avenue
Chicago, IL
Cover: $20

The Chicago Literary Hall of Fame will again host its end-of-the-year Fundraiser Party on Saturday, December 2, from 1:30-3:30 p.m., at Roscoe Village’s Beat Kitchen, “home to every genre of music, hosting some of the biggest names in live music & comedy.” Registration is NOW OPEN.
The Fundraiser Party is a perfect opportunity to celebrate the season while supporting an organization that organizes events and programming to honor, preserve, and celebrate Chicago's great literary heritage, as well as to help foster new voices.
There will be light appetizers, a cash bar, lots of mingling and throughout the afternoon, as well as many chances to win prizes. The event will culminate with a LIVE AUCTION. There is a $20 admission fee.
Leading up to the event, the CLHOF will host an ONLINE SILENT AUCTION. Bidding on the silent auction will go through the end of The Beat Kitchen Party. Get your bids in NOW!
We will close registration for the party when we hit the The Beat Kitchen's capacity. Register now.